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Core Events

Core events are events emitted directly from the FVM (Flow Virtual Machine). The events have the same name on all networks and do not follow the standard naming (they have no address).

Refer to the PublicKey section for more details on the information provided for account key events.

Account Created

Event that is emitted when a new account gets created.

Event name: flow.AccountCreated

pub event AccountCreated(address: Address)

addressAddressThe address of the newly created account

Account Key Added

Event that is emitted when a key gets added to an account.

Event name: flow.AccountKeyAdded

pub event AccountKeyAdded(
address: Address,
publicKey: PublicKey

addressAddressThe address of the account the key is added to
publicKeyPublicKeyThe public key added to the account

Account Key Removed

Event that is emitted when a key gets removed from an account.

Event name: flow.AccountKeyRemoved

pub event AccountKeyRemoved(
address: Address,
publicKey: PublicKey

addressAddressThe address of the account the key is removed from
publicKeyPublicKeyPublic key removed from the account

Account Contract Added

Event that is emitted when a contract gets deployed to an account.

Event name: flow.AccountContractAdded

pub event AccountContractAdded(
address: Address,
codeHash: [UInt8],
contract: String

addressAddressThe address of the account the contract gets deployed to
codeHash[UInt8]Hash of the contract source code
contractStringThe name of the the contract

Account Contract Updated

Event that is emitted when a contract gets updated on an account.

Event name: flow.AccountContractUpdated

pub event AccountContractUpdated(
address: Address,
codeHash: [UInt8],
contract: String

addressAddressThe address of the account where the updated contract is deployed
codeHash[UInt8]Hash of the contract source code
contractStringThe name of the the contract

Account Contract Removed

Event that is emitted when a contract gets removed from an account.

Event name: flow.AccountContractRemoved

pub event AccountContractRemoved(
address: Address,
codeHash: [UInt8],
contract: String

addressAddressThe address of the account the contract gets removed from
codeHash[UInt8]Hash of the contract source code
contractStringThe name of the the contract

Inbox Value Published

Event that is emitted when a Capability is published from an account.

Event name: flow.InboxValuePublished

pub event InboxValuePublished(provider: Address, recipient: Address, name: String, type: Type)

providerAddressThe address of the publishing account
recipientAddressThe address of the intended recipient
nameStringThe name associated with the published value
typeTypeThe type of the published value

To reduce the potential for spam, we recommend that user agents that display events do not display this event as-is to their users, and allow users to restrict whom they see events from.

Inbox Value Unpublished

Event that is emitted when a Capability is unpublished from an account.

Event name: flow.InboxValueUnpublished

pub event InboxValueUnpublished(provider: Address, name: String)

providerAddressThe address of the publishing account
nameStringThe name associated with the published value

To reduce the potential for spam, we recommend that user agents that display events do not display this event as-is to their users, and allow users to restrict whom they see events from.

Inbox Value Claimed

Event that is emitted when a Capability is claimed by an account.

Event name: flow.InboxValueClaimed

pub event InboxValueClaimed(provider: Address, recipient: Address, name: String)

providerAddressThe address of the publishing account
recipientAddressThe address of the claiming recipient
nameStringThe name associated with the published value

To reduce the potential for spam, we recommend that user agents that display events do not display this event as-is to their users, and allow users to restrict whom they see events from.